New Year's Resolutions That Really Work: Anger Management!
For many of us, due to COVID-19 and Omicron reeking havoc in ours’ and our loved one’s lives, 2021 cannot end soon enough. In fact, as a direct result of the anxious uncertainty coupled with all out carnage that is Omicron the emotional recovery process may be just beginning. If 2021 was an angry and anxiety ridden year for you, you are not alone! The good news is 2022 is a brand-new year, which means a fresh opportunity to take back emotional control of your life. So just what does “New Year; New Me” look like in the wake of COVID-19 & Omicron? It may look like making a New Year’s Resolution to take back your emotional stability via online anger management classes, and it starts by asking yourself if any of the following apply: Have loved ones told you that you have an anger problem? Has your anger gotten you into legal trouble? Has your significant other, employer, or family, asked you to go to anger management? Have you lost jobs, friends, or relationships because of you...